Old School LAX Freak
According to the company history found on it's website,  W.H. Brine, the founder of Brine Corp, started the company in the early 1920s. It was known then as the W.H. Brine Company. The Brine family owned the company and later changed its name to Brine Inc prior to its acquisition by New Balance on 2006.  Brine Corp started by selling their Brine lacrosse equipment and other sports equipment to private schools and camps throughout different regions. From there, they quickly grew into a major sports equipment manufacturer in the field of lacrosse and soccer.

In the 1950s, Brine Corp focused on its Brine lacrosse equipment. During this time, all lacrosse sticks were made of wood and the only manufacturer was Chisholm Lacrosse, a Canadian company. Encouraged by several prominent individuals in the field of lacrosse, the Brine family started experimenting with making different kinds of lacrosse sticks.  The Brine family tested several materials from laminated wood to fiberglass, plastic and aluminum to find one that will meet standards of performance. Finally, they discovered a plastic manufactured by DuPont, which was called Surlyn. This material had all of the properties necessary for the intense game of lacrosse. Brine Corp then created a technique for molding that became the standard shape of modern lacrosse sticks.
Early Brine lacrosse sticks were innovative, unique, and at the same time - plentiful.  When I use the term plentiful - i refer to the numerous models that were very different looking from each other.   The "all wooden" stick pictured below left that possess the  W.H. Brine branding is by far the oldest of the 3 wooden sticks pictured on this page and are very scare to find - especially with the label still intact and may date back to the early 1960's.
BRINE One Piece Wooden Lacrosse Sticks
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BRINE Lacrosse Sticks
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BRINE 1st Generation Plastic Goalie Sticks
We are looking for pictures of the White 1st Generation Goalie stick, Attack/ Midfielder stick, and Defensive head... if you have them, please send to classicsticks@oldschoollaxfreak.com
The Perfect Holiday GIFT !!!

A Book On The History Of Lacrosse Sticks

Click on the book cover to the left to order!