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According to the company's website, Warrior Lacrossse was founded in 1993 by Princeton University Junior Dave Morrow after he and his dad developed the first titanium lacrosse shaft prototypes. Over the years, there have been several mergers, including ones with both New Balance as well as Brine, that have transformed Warrior into one of the largest producers of lacrosse equipment in the world. I could develop and entire site to the accomplishments of Morrow - who was also the 1991 NCAA National Player of the year - however, will keep to the objective of this site - and attempt to document the evolution of the heads that Warrior has developed over the past 15-18 years.
The 1st Generation Warrior Patriot: This head was produced in 1998 in celebration for the Lacrosse World Championship that was held in Baltimore, Maryland and was won by Team USA over Team Canada by the score of 15 - 14. Although off-set technology was introduced by Brine a year or two earlier, Warrior elected not to license it for this version. The head measured 10 1/4 inches from scoop to the ball stop and 7 1/4 at its widest point. The side-walls were 1 3/4 inches in height and were easily identifiable by the USA that was cut into them. The throat was also recognizable as an early Warrior head with the raised "W" on th lower front.
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